
Universal Health Coverage


To improve the performances of the health, population and nutrition sector for increased provision of quality services for the entire population, especially the poor, women and the disadvantaged, through use of resources in economically efficient manner with a focus on equity and participation.


To develop overall capacity in the area of Health Economics, Gender, Equity and Participation towards formulation, implementation and monitoring and evaluation of policies, strategies and interventions.


To conduct policy oriented research on Health Economics and Gender, NGO, Stakeholder Participation (GNSP) issues in the HPN Sector and to provide policy guidance for cost-effective, gender responsive, efficient health care service delivery;
To develop health financing framework for the country and explore health financing options;
To develop resource allocation formula and institutionalize health expenditure tracking process
To strengthen overall capacity of Health Economics and GNSP issues in the country; and
To identify and support programs and activities where NGO, stakeholder participation and PPP can be utilized to improve efficiency, enhance accountability and transparency in the health sector.